Сообщение от Equipoise (по поводу пробного показа фильма "Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня"

I just got back from a test screening, and I thought it was very good! I still like the 3rd one best, but this was almost as good, and definitely better than the 1st two (which I thought were both alright). I haven't read any of the books except the 1st one, so I have no idea how faithful it was or whether fans will be screaming bloody murder.

I got the pass when I went to see Howl's Moving Castle. We weren't told what the movie would be, just that (as it says on the pass) "This is a new family movie from a major Hollywood studio, scheduled to be released in theatres some time later this year."

The music track was temporary, but I thought it sounded just fine. I have no idea what it might have been from. I'm sure others will pop up with more information. The special effects weren't anywhere near done, and I thought it was fascinating to see what was essentially a work print, with many scenes in front of green screen, several effects in wire frame, colored dots on actor's faces, and flying scenes where the wires were not yet digitally removed.

Without having read the book and not knowing anything about the plot, I was able to follow it fairly well. It made me want to read the book, to get more detail. The pace was good, the acting was good, and the 14-year old in me has a terrible crush now on Ron, who I think is much cuter than Harry. Hermione didn't have nearly as much to do in this one, which was my only disappoinment. I didn't look at my watch at all, before or after, so I don't know how long it was, definitely over 2 hours though. It could have been longer though, because I find that world interesting. I guess I really should read the books.

There was a girl sitting beside me who not only hadn't read any of the books, she hadn't seen any of the other movies, and she didn't seem too impressed. Then again, she walked out of Fellowship after 20 minutes because she'd read the LOTR books and the characters didn't look anything like what she'd imagined. Uh, ok. We didn't have a lot to talk about after she said that.

Posted: 10.07.2005, 07:17 PM by Equipoise
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